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Students desiring to attain a White Pass Scholarship Award submit an application. They each present their educational plan and career path to our interview committee. As a committee, we review transcripts, extracurricular and community activities, work history, achievements, and personal essays, followed by individual interviews of eligible applicants. Our job is serious, impartial, and unbiased in selecting scholarship recipients. Award decisions are made by the committee according to our bylaws, and communicated to students in May/June before graduation, usually at the Senior Tea.


In addition to awards for graduating seniors, we also offer a "Fresh Start Scholarship" available to former White Pass graduates who are just beginning their post-secondary education.

Our monies for scholarships come from: 

  • Donations

  • Memorial Remembrances

  • Annual Community Auction

  • Stewardship of Other Scholarships

Current year graduating seniors can access the Cover Letter and White Pass Scholarship Application in a fillable Google docs format here and in the Publications section at the bottom of the Home page. In addition, a link to a helpful video on how to use Google docs to fill in the application is provided. Please make sure to access the cover letter. It contains important information that you need to be aware of as part of the application process.  

2025 Scholarship application 


Categories/Types of Scholarships

General Fund Contributions

General funds are from annual donations or pledges from businesses, organizations, individuals, and general memorials. These funds have no conditions or criteria attached to the donation and are considered as a General Fund Annual, intended to be awarded in the school year they are donated. Through the application and interview process students receive scores in the above mentioned criteria. Points awarded in these categories are assigned a dollar value from our general fund for disbursement.

Memorial Donations

In honor of a family member or other loved one, the White Pass Scholarship Fund can be listed as a designated memorial in an obituary or remembrance. All donors receive acknowledgement and the family will receive notifications of donations made. These donations are typically included in the general fund.

Legacy Fund Contribution

In 2019 the White Pass Scholarship Committee established a Legacy Fund. We have set a goal to accumulate $600,000 in this investment account to eventually reduce our reliance on annual fundraising. Our goal is to invest approximately 50% of our annual auction income in this account, if possible, as well as accumulate growth through designated donations.

Scholarships From Organizations

Organizations, businesses, or individuals can create an ongoing scholarship. These can contain criteria to guide the scholarship committee in the selection, or they can be open to any eligible applicants.

Ongoing Memorial Scholarships

Families or friends may establish a memorial scholarship that is funded and awarded annually. These memorial scholarships may contain specific criteria for awarding (a preferred field of study, achievement, etc.) or they can be open to all qualifying applicants.

Creating An Endowment

For a contribution of $25,000, an endowment will be created that allows an annual scholarship to continue in perpetuity. Our treasurer will work with you to guide the process. 

Non-profit ID # 91-1461608

Congratulations to the 2024 White Pass Scholarship Fund recipients.
Over $79,000 awarded!

Class 2024 Scholarship Recipients.jpg
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